Call for Team Manager – National Freestyle Team

Posted By: Canoe Kayak Canada

Team Manager – 2019 World Championships

The Canadian Freestyle National Team will be attending the Freestyle World Championships in Sort, Spain from June 24 – July 7. Canoe Kayak Canada is seeking qualified candidates who are willing to fill the role of Team Manager at the Freestyle World Championships. The role of Team Manager is an unpaid volunteer position, although there will be an opportunity to offset a portion of the travel costs based on National Team fundraising. Interested candidates are invited to submit an expression of interest in accordance with the guidelines set out in this notice.

Team Manager

Job Description

The Team Manager’s primary responsibility is to act as a conduit between the ICF, CKC and Athletes with respect to the World Championships. Prior to World’s they are focused on communications and working with CKC staff on logistics. Once at World’s they are required to attend all ICF Team Manager meetings, debrief the National Team, and follow up with any questions that may arise from the National Team debrief. The Team Manager will also be responsible for the organization of the National Team on water practice sessions to ensure athlete comfort and ease of mind. The Team Manager must be present at the World Championships venue from June 24 – July 7.

Recommended Qualifications & Experience

The Team Manager must hold a valid passport and have previous experience organizing Freestyle Kayak events and working with Freestyle Kayak athletes. Candidates require strong organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of ICF rules and structure is an asset.

Application Deadline

Please send applications with a summary of qualifications and experience to sbest@canoekayak.caby end of day on April 12th, 2018