Call for Candidates: Domestic Development Committee – Athlete Representative

Posted By: Canoe Kayak Canada

Canoe Kayak Canada is looking for one individual to join the organization’s Sprint Domestic Development Committee (DDC) as the Athlete Representative. This position is instrumental in providing an athlete’s perspective to the discussions and decision-making of the organization.

The main role of the DDC is to provide technical expertise and guidance to CKC staff and in particular the Director of Development for the domestic aspect of the sprint racing discipline.

The Athlete Representative for the DDC is not required to be or have been previously a National Team Athlete, or be an active athlete. However, the ideal candidate should have experience racing at the Canoe Kayak Canada National Championships within the last few years.

In addition, the ideal candidate will have:

  • Knowledge of Canoe Kayak Canada’s domestic club system, domestic competition in Canada, as well as the Sprint Racing Discipline Competition Rulebook
  • Ability to commit to at least one or two-hour phone call a month, (though sometimes more during the racing season when specific issues arise.)
  • Willing and able to travel to two or three in person meetings a year, which take place over a weekend (including the Canadian National Championships and CKC Annual Summit)

This is a volunteer position with a two year term.

Interested candidates are required to complete the attached form in order to be considered for the position.

Deadline for applications is midnight EST on Friday, October 4th, 2019.

Please send applications to Chair of the CKC Athlete Committee, care of Genevieve Orton by email to .