Indigenous Advisory Council

The IAC was developed with the goal of welcoming guidance and input from key Indigenous leaders to ensure that CKC is walking the path towards a sport that respects and reflects the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action.

Truth and Reconciliation #87-91

Onake Paddling Club


Starting Conversations: Paddling, Indigenous Peoples, and Reconciliation

Winnipeg, MBWaterways launches to bring paddling programming to 1000 Indigenous youth this summer

Waterways Fundrazr

Indigenous Advisory Council Members


CKC has selected Indigenous representatives for the IAC from communities across the country to reflect the diversity of indigenous perspectives and cultures from this great land. (The IAC is presently looking for an Inuit representative.)  The IAC will also offer critical input on how the CKC’s Sport community can undergo the important changes needed to better reflect the unique cultural importance of Paddling to Indigenous Communities in Canada.


James Lavallée (Winnipeg, MB) – Chair, Indigenous Athlete in a Paddling Discipline, proud citizen on the Métis Nation – Manitoba.


Mohamed Crossman-Serb (Winnipeg, MB) – Indigenous Provincial and Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body, Manitoba Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Council, proud citizen of the Manitoba Métis Federation.


Peter Amos– Nitinaht Lake Paddle Club, Team BC Coach for North American Indigenous Games.  Proud Squamish First Nation British Columbia


Joshua Rivera Nicholas (Potlotek, N.S.) – Aboriginal Sports Circle, M.P.A.L for Potlotek First Nation, Member of the Mi’kmaw Nation in the territory of Mi’kma’ki in the district of Unama’ki.


Sharon Tiohswathe Rice – Indigenous Canoe Club – Oná:ke Paddling Club – Mohawk Nation


June MacDonald-Jenkins (Cobourg, ON) – Member at Large, Mi’kMaq First Nation


The Indigenous Advisory Council will be supported by CKC Indigenous Program Manager, Tyler Lawlor and CKC Director of Development, Ian Mortimer and CEO Casey Wade.


The IAC will work closely with the respective CKC committees to ensure a collective voice will shape the development of CKC Indigenous programming.

In the coming months, the IAC will continue to work together to build CKC’s Indigenous Paddling Program and keep the community informed on the latest developments.


“Canoe Kayak Canada has taken this step in meeting the TRC’s calls to action #87-#91, that directly relate to sport and recreation. I feel CKC is uniquely positioned to be a leader on these calls to action as paddling unlike most sports has its roots in indigenous cultures and ways of life. The IAC will work to ensure grass-roots voices and suggestions are heard at the national level which I believe will be the key to success in all of CKC’s indigenous programming.” – Committee Chair, James Lavallée.