Birthdate: December 3, 1996
Hometown: Mississauga, ON
Canoe Club: Mississauga Canoe Club
Sport: Women’s canoe
Coach: Jan Kruk / Kyle Jeffery
Katie is a proud member of the Mississauga Canoe Club since 2006! She has been on the senior national team since 2016 and has represented Canada at a number of international events.
Katie has won 4 gold medals at World Championships since 2014. These gold medals include: C1 200m at Junior Worlds in 2014, C1 200m at U23 Worlds in 2016, C1 200m at U23 Worlds in 2017, C2 500m at Senior Worlds 2017.
She has been a dominating force with Laurence Vincent-Lapointe in C2 500m, winning gold and beating their previous World Records in this event at both World Cups of the 2018 season (Szeged and Duisburg). Their new world record is 1:51.428!
Katie has her sights set on competing at the upcoming Tokyo 2020, Paris 2024 and LA 2028 Olympic Games where she hopes to compete in the C2 500m and C1 200m events!
2019- World Cup 1: Bronze C1 200m, Gold C2 500m; World Cup 2: Gold C1 500m, Gold C2 500m; U23 Worlds: Gold C1 200m, Gold C1 500m; Sr Worlds: Bronze C1 500m, Gold C2 500m; Sprint Canoe Super Cup: Silver Mixed C2 100m; Bronze C1 350m
Instagram: @k.vincent_
Twitter: @kvincent96
First year on the National Team:
What are you most proud of?
Becoming an athlete who uses sport to better themselves as a person on and off the water.
Objectives for the coming years?
Continue to grow and push my own limits
Why was your first race?
Mississauga home regatta june 2006
What is the biggest challenge about your sport?
Gaining a bigger fan base and making the sport accessible around the world
Describe the sport in one word:
Power & grace
Nickname: Kitkat
Quote: “we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” – Aristotle
Role model: Adam van Koeverdan, Mark Oldershaw
Favourite training: Catch-Exit-Together
Pre-race meal: Light breakfast and coffee
Post-race meal: A cold beer with my teammates. Hard work deserves reward.
Off-season interest(s): Travel, eating
Other sport(s): Alpine Skiing
Guilty pleasure: Fine cheese
TV show: The Office
Movie: Step Brothers
Band: Busty and the Bass