Birthdate: March 6th, 1993
Canoe Club: Valleyfield Kayak
Hometown: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
Sport: Women’s kayak
Coach: Louis-Philippe Légaré
Instagram: @florencemaheu
Florence has been a member of the national team since 2012 and trains with Kayak Valleyfield in Québec! Her first ever race was in Jonquière, Québec and she’s been passionate about Kayak Slalom ever since!
She competed at her first Senior World Championships in 2017 and is training hard for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
Nickname: Flo
Quote: Leave no doubt
Role model: Daniele Molmenti
Off-season interest(s): Climbing, cross country skiing
Guilty pleasure: Dairy Queen blizzard
Superhero: Totally Spies
Favorite word: Paddle
Movie: Remember the titans
Book: Grit:The power of passion and perseverance by Angela Duckworth
Band: Macklemore